Hey beauties, thanks for stopping by. This is my personal lifestyle blog where I upload tons of great topics and discussions about love, life, sex, careers, money, fashion, hair, make up, current events etc... everything is written by me for you guys with my unique no holding back, honest,loving outlook. My random thoughts, product reviews and simply good conversation. I want to hear from you guys as well so don't hesitate to ask me anything and give your opinions. I hope you lovelys enjoy!!
Beauti & Everything Else
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Aliexpress.com Grace Hair Update
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Journey to healthy, clear skin
I think its an accurate statement when i say we are all constantly striving and working to be the best version of ourselves. I'm so down with that. So in effort to work on me, I've been doing things that help build my self esteem/confidence. Taking time out for me.
Lately, my skin has taken a turn for the worse. I have been experiencing a sudden case of acne that has my face super scared up and very,very oily. I wear makeup sparingly and I don't put much oil in my hair so I'm super confused as to what's happening and I, for one, just can't get jiggy with that! After months and months and months of buying and trying different products in an effort to help clear up my acne I decided to take a trip to the dermatologist.
I'm currently in my third week of using 2 medical topical facial products; Epiduo Forte and Finacea. Finacea is a foam I use in the morning's and Epiduo is a cream I use nightly in conjuction with washing with Cetaphil DermaControl Oil Control Foam Wash.
Below are my current results. Stay tuned!!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
D.I.Y "Blinged" Shoe's
Friday, October 16, 2015
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
Upon me stumbling through some of my fav gossip/blog sites I seen that today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness day. I instantly stopped what I was doing to write this post. (Actually at work smh) but I was compelled to do so due to my personal loss and daily struggle.
Coincidentally, I was attempting to share my current state with my spouse Tuesday night and at one point I just felt like he shut me down. I feel as though he doesn't truly understand my "struggle" for lack of a better suited word.
I don't really share this but I don't really hide it either...one year ago, I lost a child. Hailei-Rayne Jones. I carried her and I loved her. The depth of that love is beyond measure.
I had a medically induced birth ( also known as a medical abortion). At 19 weeks I found out at the anatomy scan that my daughter had was is known as Fetal Hydrops. It is a condition in which the heart has an abnormality and because of that the body retains fluid/water causing irreversible damage ( something like congestive heart failure) which results in a slow death.
My daughter had fluid in her abdomen and head. My amniotic fluid decreased slowly due her body absorbing it. I had never heard of such a rare condition. The seemingly perfect, normal day turned into horror for me. I was speechless. I cried so hard and so long that my body just shivered. How? Why? How can I fix it? How does it get better? Why, why, why? Is this karma? Who did I do wrong? Why God??
I went through 2 long weeks of hopeful moments, research, test after test and then reality just fell on me like a ton of bricks when the doctor finally told me my daughter was going to die. Die. I tried to wear a brave face but I was anything but. I had to be strong for my oldest daughter. I had to go to work and carry on with my day to day life when all I wanted to do was cry. Not eating, no sleeping, no anything.
I had the option of carrying my baby until she passed on her own or having a medically induced labor. I opted for the latter just because I felt that was best or me and her. A part of me feels I was selfish. A part of me feels it would have destroyed me to wake up one day and not feel her move. So I had to muster up the strength to say goodbye on my own terms.
I say all this to say, I've been to this dark, dark place. I empathize sincerely. These words come from the most purest place in my heart. One day of recognition is merely not enough when you constantly relive the pain. But it is appreciated sooooooo much. There's so many precious lives that never make it and so many parents who live with guilt and frustration behind their smiles. Each day progressively gets better. Each day your able to smile a little more and each day brings a little more peace.
Take a moment of observance for these angels.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
When to - yourself
One thing that I know I struggle with daily, is when to apply my filter and check myself. I'm not a easily angered person so it takes a bit much for me to get upset. But when I do, I battle with myself about what my response should have been or how I should or shouldn't react.
I think when I really get pissed, I hit 10 so quickly that it takes forever for me to get back to 0. I recently attended a baby shower and I came across this young lady that really had my blood boiling. I mean, she was just nasty. No reason for it all. I didn't know her and she doesn't know me. I seriously let her offend me a couple of times, each time trying to find a logical reason behind her actions, before I had reached my breaking point.
Now, I didn't show out at the baby shower out of respect for the guest of honor but I was pissed which made me think about how I let this stranger straight up alter my mood, which brought me to writing this post. I shouldn't have given this young lady the power to upset me because of her ignorance nor should I still be feeling any type of way about it. I think it simply just shocked me that someone I don't even know could be so rude.
I'm just a logical, thiniing person by nature. So, I try to rationalize everything before I come to my conclusion. What I need to work on is learning when to step back or walk away from the situation instead of suffering through it to prove to myself I can make it. I need to learn I don't have anything to prove. I need to learn to hone my power and never relenquish it. Not everything is going to make sense. Sometimes life won't add up. And when that happens i need to subtract myself from that mess.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
My weight loss journey
Afterwards I kept the weight off for a while and now I'm where I am today at a whopping 222 pounds. YIKES!!! Granted I'm a curvy girl; hips,thighs and nice rear end and I'm six feet tall. But yo, I'm at the point where I can't see over my belt buckle some days. My clothes don't fit me how I'd like. The pestering stomach roll and love handles are in te way.My waist band in my jeans are eating away at my sides. I have to tug and pull at my shirt all day. I've got to get rid of this weight.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Motivation Monday- We're in this together
I know at our lowest point we can't seem to find an inkling of hope. We all have that moment when we're like "Fuck this shit!" And you know what, we're entitled to that feeling. Every thing isn't always black and white and smelling of roses but you know something, we aren't going through the storm alone.
I work in customer service and in that field I encounter so many people and so many spirits. I also work with and around children in which I get to experience how these people influence other impressionable souls and the outcome of that. This is what I've learned from these experinces; that one lady you see everyday who snarls at you and never says hi might be the lady who doesn't have any food to eat. Or the attitude that one guy gives you everytime you see him might have so much on his plate after his wife died, he lost his job and his son is misbehaving daily in school. Or the little boy who curses you out all the time might be getting ridiculed because he's struggling with his work due to the fact that he's the man of the house while his mom works a third shift job and he takes care of his 4 younger siblings.
Our rainfall may be different; mine is scattered, yours is pouring and the next person's is drizzling but we're all in the storm of life together. We're all trying to figure it out. I'm a firm believer of the saying that if God brings you to it he'll bring you through it. Our problem is really that we are so self absorbed we can't move past the fact that we are here to help each other. If you can focus long enough on helping the next guy with his issue you may learn something from his struggle to help you with yours.
Someone is walking this earth feeling just like you. Someone can relate and you may need them as badly as they may need you. We are so blessed to have the freedom to express oursleves, why not reassure one another that life is better when youre walking together.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Aliexpress Grace Hair Company
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Shit Sucks
I often sit back and wonder, "How did I end up here?"
I know life could be extremely worse for me so I don't take it for granted. I pray, I have faith and I believe. I'd like to think I'm super humble. But for the life of me I can't explain why I am where I am in life. Besides the spiritual explanation of "This is God's plan" all I can come up with is, I really fucked up somewhere.
There are times in my life where I just feel like I sometimes give people the power to just shit my day up. And there's other times where I feel like I shitted it up a long time ago. Have you ever just sat back and realize that all the time and effort you put into something or someone is just a damn shame? You can't get time back. At all. You can't get energy or effort back either. So when you get to adding that shit up your super pissed and salty as he'll too.
No matter the relationship or circumstance everyone wants something for something. If you have a passion for something your going to put everything you have into it. At the end of the day you want recognition for it. You want to reap the benefits of it. You want the glory from it. What's the point if you're ignored, go under the radar, no one cares or sees? If the love you give isn't given back your stupid, really.
Our problem is we accept bullshit because we had no direction in the first place. No standards. People can pick up on that early, so they prey on that. Which has us fucked and fucked up. Don't know where we're going because we had no destination. Just silly. And then you end up like me, constantly trying to figure shit out and reevaluate your life and dumb as decisions everyday. It's like a dog chasing it's tail, never ending.
I can't express enough how disappointed I am in the fact that I grew up with no self worth. It truly saddens me. That's not to say that all kids from broken homes grow up like that, but as for me, I did. I realized it very late and it sickens me that no one took the time out of their busy lives to correct that shit. To help guide and mold me, a young impressionable and naive girl looking for love and acceptance damn near anywhere. Smh....
I'll be damned if I let that/this happen to my daughter or nieces. I mean I feel like in life, everyone is entitled to a good fuck over once or twice. That's just proper protocol. But you would think I really had some serious karma coming my way the way my cards have been dealt. I give, in all aspects, to everyone and in return I get nothing. That really, really, really sucks ass.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Motivation Monday-♡Yourself
Girls, I know the struggle of being happy in your own skin. As you all know, I will be honest. When I was smaller framed roughly 150 lbs at 6 feet tall I loved it. I was alot more confident because I could walk into a store and pick anything up off the rack without second guessing how I would look in it or being insecure about cellulite or stretch marks.
So I know the frustration... along with the media's depiction of beauty and societal standards and cultural acceptance being a strong, confident and secure lady is damn near a miracle. BUT IT CAN BE DONE GIRL!! We have to realize we are on borrowed time and we HAVE to enjoy life.
Happiness isn't given, it's created and only You and I do meanYou have the power to control it. It's not hard princess, look in the mirror and cry. Cry one good time, cleanse yourselves of all that dirty nasty evil sadness and then smile hunny. Smile and claim victory and love you girl because if you don't love you, who will? Why will they? How long will they? And who cares if they do or don't because if you love yourself that is enough. Read the quote boo and recognize.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
New Long Pony
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Quote to Remember
*Alot of times we encounter people who are just evil. They do their best to break people down, make them miserable and take away any ounce of self worth you may have. Although on our journey as human beings we can't pick who we meet, we can pick who we keep. That evil, mean person has some deeper issues than what's on the surface. If you are a brave soul who figures that you can help them explore their issues by all means go for it. But either way it's important to remember there's alot of hurt circling this world and we don't necessarily get to pick the circumstances in which it hits us.*
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Hey girl, Hey
So many times throughout our days and nights we feel alone. Like no one in this world can relate. Like no one knows our struggle (shout out to Lil Boosie).
To be honest, alot of the time that is true. Each one of us is different and unique and in that so are our issues. But what's even more true is we are alot more alike than we are different.
I think, and this is just me personally, that on some sort of sub conscious level girls are taught jealousy, envy and other non pretty behavorail traits early on in life. The thought that we have to be better than the next girl is a learned emotion. I don't believe you are born feeling inferior to anyone. So why is it that women who are so much alike in emotion so un sympathetic to each other?
People in general just don't mesh, I get that. Personalities and attitudes help make up who you are, your character. But girl, if you think I'm cool, if you think I'm fly, if you like my shoes...say hi!
We have so so so many things in our day to day that can throw us off and make us feel like shit. So many obstacles and little nuances that send us on a rollercoaster of emotions, that having a friend to go through it with seems ideal. Some of us aren't close to our families. Some of us have no family. Get that chip off your shoulder girl and get REAL.
PEOPLE divide PEOPLE on so many levels; race, skin color, economics, height, weight. There's so many stereo types and ugly lies. I dont know about you but I'm too old to beef about the petty things. Vaginas are vaginas, period (pun intended) I teach my daughter that she is no better than the next and vice versa. Can we agree that that simple message should be enough to unite us ladies?
All you have to say is, "Hey girl!"
Monday, August 17, 2015
August Favorites
Girls...so I'm a product junky. Like, I seriously will try just about anything to try to get the results that I'm looking for.
I do the research about 85% percent of the time. Others I just leap out on faith. Most of the time I'm super happy I did because I find some great stuff. So let's check out what I'm currently loving.
Face- M.A.C. Cosmetics (www.maccosmetics.com) Green Gel facial cleanser $21.00. This stuff is great loves. It's an awesome daily cleanser and make up remover. It has a subtle scent and light lather so a little goes a long way and it rinses clean with no residue or sticky feeling. It's formulated with cucumber and algae plus it's oil free, alcohol free and the main reason it tried it was because it helps control oil.
Hair- Pantene Pro V Styles Texturizing Sculpting Wax. Yo, so we all are on a never ending quest to lay those edges right? I think I've bought and been through maybe 4 or 5 edge controls over the last 2 years. I'm sooooo tired of looking girl, but I think I've found one that works wonders. I found this at Walmart for roughly $3.54. I saw a review on this on youtubers ItsMyRayeRaye's channel. Let me tell you, honestly it works. It's not super thick, cakey, or waxy. It's some what of a creamy texture that smooths on nicely and has no white build up or greasy after glow that trickles down to the face. It's not tacky or sticky and I love it!
Food- Dole Strawberry Dippers Dark Chocolate. I got these at Walmart while picking up some items for dinner. For $3.00 you get 6 packs (4 halves of whole strawberries to a pack)of frozen chocolate covered strawberries. They're bomb! A cool and sweet snack especially in the upcoming "Indian Summer" days plus they're only 60 calories a pack. But, let them thaw about 2 minutes before you bite into them to avoid that awkward cold shock to your teeth.
Alright lady bugs, my list is complete for now. Short and sweet. Hope you decide to try them out. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Motivation Monday "N.W.A"
Friday, August 14, 2015
Random Rant- Know it All
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Ok, truth moment for a brief second. I suffer from daddy issues. I'm not all like woe is me, I'm gonna strip or whore out looking for love or anything like that. But, I have struggled since childhood with my identity. Ive been finding out who I am and what I am as I go along day to day with no real concrete building block besides me knowing I have a problem. Growing up I figured out each family was unique and mine consisted of my mom and my granny and us kids. And so I knew there was a whole other side to me that I didn't know. Which in turn gave me these identity crisis's which at times were very problematic for me. I figured out that I didn't have alot of similarities with my mom so, who was I really? Each child needs to see themselves in their household in some fashion to solidify their role/purpose in life and I didn't have that.
They always say, speak things into existence. Think positive thoughts. I did this often as a child. Hoping and praying and wishing for the most basic of things. Things humans need for survival like love, affection, admiration, compassion. To no avail, they didn't show up (i.e my dad). So now, this has come back up in my life, being a reoccurring theme as of late in my household as we have been exploring our religious beliefs and searching for answers within our faith.
I have a regular job just like everyone else, living check to check trying to make a way but I'm venturing out, on a leap of faith, into this blogging world.
Why? Because as I'm finding myself, I'm realizing that no one is ever truly sure of who they are. I think once you THINK you know, you as a person has stopped evolving. You can't grow if your stuck in one place. I know I love to write. I know I love people. I know people love me. I know i have a passion. I know I wrote and read all the time growing up. I know I used to dream of being a journalist. I know I let my environment get in the way of that dream. I know that happened because I had no idea of who I was or what I wanted to become. I had no foundation.
Well at this point in my life I'm claiming my victory. I'm declaring my fate. I'm being patient and humble and accepting and learning and knowing that all these things ARE who I am. I believe in karma and what you put out is what you get, majority of the time. I believe I will carve my way, find my spot on this very large planet and call it mine. I'm restoring my faith which was taken away from me in childhood. I know what I'm not. I thank you guys for coming along.
I know I'm on way
Beauti Better Buy's- Dupes
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Beauties i have found a hell of a deal for you, Dotfully.com is a super cool, new site for make up and beauty enthusiasts alike.
On this site you can join, for free, and buy/sale unused beauty products to fellow beauty lovers with points you earn. Say whatttt????
Yes girl, it's like trading new stuff with your long lost child hood cousin/friend girl/homie from way back. And when you sign up you get a whole cool 250 points ($25) for free to spend.
For more dets hurry up and stop by.
Random Rant- Eyebrows
*All views and opinions followed are solely mine, in an effort to increase the peace, please respect each others views and chill. All pictures listed are public photo's found either through Google or Pintrest*
Mmmk... it seems as if no one is going to address this issue, so I will. All of sudden, out of no where, filling in the eyebrows has become the thing to do. No face is completely "done" or "beat" unless those eyebrows are filled chile. So yea, enough is enough boo boo kitties. I need to talk to you about the "floating" eyebrow squad or the "unibrow" eyebrow club. Like girl, uh uh... (Long pause)Uhhhh uh.
I won't act as if I haven't jumped on the band wagon, 'cuz girl she likes to sit pretty too. Now, when I first started trying it out, I went to my holy grail... YouTube. I figured after watching a few videos, I got this. Girl, after I tried it out one day for work my co-worker was like honey (with a deeply empathetic face), that ain't right lol. I went to the bathroom and wiped them eyebrows off so fast.
Here it is a couple of years later and really, this stuff is getting out if hand. I see so much concealing and highlighting gone wrong, chile, it makes my stomach hurt. Chics with highlight bout 50 shades lighter than them, eyebrows just floating over their faces. Or what about the brows that are so close together it looks like they are always making a constipated, kinda frowning but trying to look cute face. Or what about the ever going "tail" of the brow that ends damn near mid face... Sorry girls but not really.
At this point, when I do opt for a made up look I don't "do" my brows. I brush them and lightly fill them in with a little pencil. (Should you care to see my eyebrow routine, comment below.) I don't use concealer or highlighter just because I don't care for the floaties. If you need help with an easy eyebrow tut check out ULOVEMEGZ or IVYDEAR via youtube. They have really quick, simple and easy tuts.
Ok, back to your regularly scheduled programs...
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Chazzi Beauti Find
Upon further instagram creeping I found that the necklace was made by a young, fresh and fly designer named MELANIE WHITE who has her own jewelry company at www.melaniemarie.com.
Her site featured unique, custom designs in silver, gold and rose gold as well as silver plated, gold and rose gold plated. Pieces include necklaces, bracelets, rings and even apparel. Prices are totally resonable, especially for the quality of craftsmanship and uniqueness of the piece.
I ordered a 20 inch, gold plated, custom box necklace (pictured below). I paid about $110.00 for it(including shiping) but pricing is ranged from $60-$1000. Let me just tell ya'll, I absolutely looooooove this necklace. I never take it off. I shower with it, apply body lotions and sprays with it on, sweat and swim and this necklace still looks brand new. I get so many compliments about it. I never take it off.
If your in the neighborhood looking for a hot new piece stop by www.melaniemarie.com.
Chazzi Beauti Product Review
I stopped usage for about a week and a couple of days and guess what, the shedding persisted. I still have shedding but it isn't as bad as it was. It's about a little more than normal to date... Fast foward to today, I'm on my second bottle and I've noticed a number of things.
Two, my hair is thicker. Especially to the left side of my head but it's always been a little thicker to that side.
Third, my hair is retaining more moisture. I've always had porous hair. I mean, thirsty. I'm not sure what my hair type is (I don't really subscribe to that info) but it's tightly waved, more like a z pattern for those who care. I don't really put much product in it just because I'm not into that but now it's holding more moisture longer.
Monday, August 10, 2015
I'm going to be as honest as possible.In my teen years and early 20's I found myself dressing to get attention. Looking back on those years now, I realize that. Actually, I realized it then too but now I have a deeper understanding of it. I have always had numerous insecurities and in an effort to be "normal" or "popular" I decided that because I couldn't afford alot of the named brand clothing that was on trend, I would wear the simpler items in fashion which happened to be cheap and you've got it, revealing. I tried to mask my out cry for affection and friendship with being "comfortable" showing my body, which in turn got me attention. I craved the attention but it was all lustful, which now I know was negative but I thought I needed it.
Fast forward to today, I still have many insecurities but I know a few things for sure. For one, although sometimes I do feel loneliness, I do not strive for lustful admiration. Even in a relationship, one does want to feel wanted by others from the outside but as I have matured I've been able to decipher lust and love. And the elementary concept of "like" vs "like". You know, I like you as a friend vs I like you enough to sleep with you. With that being said, I don't look for that in my day to day conversations or interactions with people now.
Secondly, I like me. I love me. So I'm not trying to make or convince anyone other than me to give me a try. To see what I have. To buy this cow, so to speak.
Lastly, it could be that I'm a mother now. It could be that I'm a women now. It could be that I know what I have to offer now. It could be all 3 but I know that my worth isn't summed up by what body part I have on display for the night. It took me so many years and tears to figure that out. I only hope I can teach my daughter and any young female willing to listen that what society portrays as acceptable or beautiful is not the definition of beauty or sexy. So many young women I see are just like I was. Striving to out do the next girl when what you don't see is her insecurities and her tears when she's at home behind closed doors. I may sound like a old granny when I say this but sexy is knowing what you won't do. Sexy is having your own mind. Sexy is being funny and knowing the answer to random trivia questions and making a pot roast while doing laundry and helping your 6 year old with homework and watching the Simpsons in between.
Don't get me wrong, I still show some skin every now and then. A little thigh action, back out, cleavage bearing. I'm not dead. I'm not elderly. I like fashion and I wear what I feel best complements my body. But by no means am I brainwashed by what the media is telling our young girls and women is ok to wear or portray. Someone has to tell them that what you think is just innocently putting on shorts that show your but cheeks and a midriff bearing crop top and six inch heels, at any age will get you attention. And with attention comes a level of responsibility you have to be ready for, wether it be from men or women. People are going to stare. People are going to talk. People will like what they see and act upon it. Some like it and some don't. Some can handle it and some won't. Just know the struggle never really goes away, no matter the age.
I'm just here to tell you I've finally realized I don't HAVE to be naked to be liked. I guess im not conflicted really...To be sexy, I just HAVE to be me.